We went on for our first live edition of a showcase on Mastering the Music Business (MMB) you can read more about the event here: https://www.recordworldinternational.com/2021/10/13/a-successful-mastering-the-music-business-mmb-in-romania-for-2021/ on Record World International.
We managed to get some time with Anca Lupes, Executive Director – Indiero, President – RAW Music between four panels she hosted that day from RAW music that holds MMB to have a chat about the Eastern European scene and the future of the music industry.
RW: One thing we experienced this year was that more young new people from the Romanian scene had come to MMB.
“I don’t know why this has happened this year, but yes there are more young people from the Romanian scene here. Maybe they have heard about the event and now want to check it out. It might have to do that they saw our online version last year and now want to experience the live version. It’s great that the young people are here and are starting to learn about the complex world of the music industry. They ask excellent questions during the panels, and I think the Romanian music scene is in good hands for the future. I’m really happy that they are here,” says Lupes.
RW: One thing we experienced was that a lot of the other eastern European countries were visiting MMB. These countries now sail up on the international market both with good bands and good infrastructure, but why is it happening now?
“I really don’t know. I guess that all these countries that joined the European Union it’s easier for us to travel, but the talented artist has always been here, but there was no opportunity to show off what they have. I’m really glad that they are so many showcases around Europe right now, so these artists get a chance to find people to work with and promote their talent and can get to other parts.”
RW: Is it easier for these to understand the concept of showcase festivals?
“Some understand some don’t, but we have run MMB for six years now, this is the 6th edition, and this was the first international showcase in Romania. In the beginning, most people didn’t understand the point of doing a festival like this, why should I be there? Most people were not used to go to showcase festivals abroad, only the big labels did that. This is an obstacle we have worked with every year, and year by year people came and discovered the business connections with the people from abroad and it became more and more important to be here. We had a setback last year when it was just digital, but we are picking up very fast.”
RW: MMB is such a success so it will go on. What does the future look like?
“We are involved in HMMI which is a project inside EU to build capacity. We are also involved in a project with mentorship for women in the music industry. We want to get more women in executive positions around the world. I also want to develop information on mental health. Here in Romania, it’s still shameful to go and see a psychiatrist. But there are many artists and people that need guidance and therapy since we know that the music industry is a hard place to be working in. I hope we can build more on that for next year’s edition.”
RW: MMB was the first showcase festival that had to move from live to digital when COVID hit.
“I thought the digital version was needed. It was a time when we needed to share our feelingS and experiences with other people around the world. It felt like a group session, and it was ok. But it was not the same as having the live version when you can look people in the eyes. When you are online the time is very tight and you just go straight down to business. When it’s live it’s more relaxed and you have time to talk and discuss so that is much better.”
We are looking forward to MMB 2022!
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