The Wandering Off, a dynamic rock duo from Calgary, Alberta comprised of husband-and-wife, Emily, and Kyle Corner, have released their third single “Knick Of Time” from their debut, self-titled album – check it out on YouTube here:
This electric, newly released energy-driven track by The Wandering Off is the third single from their 12-song self-titled record, released in conjunction with the full album. Knick of Time, which tackles the subject of mental health, is a big, loud rock song written from the heart and is the first track on the album, setting the tone for the rest of the record.
“The story of Knick Of Time is a personal one for us”, explains Emily. “It’s an inspirational tale from the other side of conquering a difficult time as there are so many people that struggle – and we can’t forget about the people who hold up and save someone they love through a dark time. Anyone can be anyone’s hero.”
Listen on Spotify here:
The soulful rock and roll couple’s debut album was released on March 31, 2023, and is a product of the unexpected creative burst that emerged during the pandemic. With the chemistry of a long-term relationship and a mutual passion and talent for music, Emily and Kyle have produced a record that captures a nostalgic rock sound with a unique twist.
“There would be no record if Emily didn’t become my superhero. Many things saved me during that dark period and now music is one of them,” says Kyle about the creation of their new self-titled album.
The talented singer/song-writing couple recorded most of the new album in their home studio before recruiting mixing engineer Warne Livesey to add some of his own flavour and refinement to their recordings. The duo also worked with Blake Manning on drums at Noble Street Studios.
“We were big fans of Warne’s work, and he took a chance on us,” says Kyle. “He is a sound wizard! We learned so much from him. He added some polish to our recordings, and we were ecstatic working with him.”
The Calgarian duo have garnered worldwide attention with their first single “Hey There” receiving radio airplay in several different countries. The couple is grateful for all their success, and they are enjoying the closeness this experience is bringing them, referring to it as “the ultimate date night!”
The Wandering Off’s sound has often been compared to that of 90s grunge rock, as they draw inspiration from their favourite bands such as Garbage, Hole, Momma, and Letters to Cleo. Vocally, raw, and gritty with memorable hooks and melodies, this record captures an emotional, fresh yet familiar rock sound.