Australian Folk Singer/Songwriter Tim Withano is Up on the “High Wire” with New Single

Relax. Take a break. Breathe in the air around you. Plug your headphones into your device and walk into the ethereal new song offering from folk singer/songwriter Tim Withano, “High Wire” – check it out on YouTube here:

 The Finnish-born, Australian-based singer/songwriter is back with a brand-new song that reaches into your soul and promises to understand everything you’ve got going on around you. 

It’s the song that plays over the final credits. The track that rolls with you down an empty highway. The melody that pierces the very part of where you know you want to be — and finally have found solace in hearing it. 

“None of us are spared moments when the turmoil of life leaves us balancing on a precarious path where the destination is unclear or unknown,” Withano says. “‘High Wire’ emerged because I finally found time to catch my breath and take stock.”

Having performed and recorded the track in a home studio, Geoff Zenner and Alan Bruce played drums and bass, respectively. All the vocals and guitar parts were performed by Withano, an award-winning artist who has seen Top 10 success on country charts in Australia with his former outfit, Strum. Both an original artist, and an experienced performer, Withano has even taken the stage in a theatre production dedicated to the music of James Taylor. 

His first single, “Bob Dylan and Me” was a precursor to his undeniable talent as a yarn-spinner. “High Wire” made its debut in February of this year. “Basically, in the song I tried to discern the difference between what is important in life and what isn’t. When things go against you, how do you respond?” Withano explains. “The ‘High Wire’ metaphor is basically saying to the listener that I may seem to have everything under control but there are times when I feel that one stumble could see my whole world come falling down.”

“You feel the heat and you feel the cold

And you watch the ones you love grow old

And you realise that time is gold and it’s slipping away

And all the things you thought were real

They’re just things for men to steal

But sometimes I feel like I’m up on the high wire” 

So, take a break from the everyday. Allow the tidal wave of stress and concern to wash away, and replace it with the tide of “High Wire,”the enchanting prayer of peace and well-being. 

A song so touching, it reminds you that we’re all on this tight rope together — balancing high above the world on a wire. 

For more on Tim Withano check out: